Rembrandt’s Character – the Heart of the Matter Art and Instinct
Nov 112020
My encounter with Prof. Ernst van der Wetering, heavy weight champion of the Rembrandt world, was over all to quickly. See my blog  TRIUMPH OF TRUTH. Though the discussion was all on his territory (the two Adoration paintings) he did not even seem to understand the difference between a cartoon reversal and a mirror image and therefore was unable to understand his crushing defeat. (A mirror reverses a different view of the same group one observes direct. It therefore proves the presence of a three dimensional group for Rembrandt and his students to observe; the student versions prove the same.)
If there is another heavy-weight out there who thinks he could do better than Van der Wetering I am very willing to have a return match in front of a primed  audience containing a fair smattering of people who can think three dimensionally, such as artists, engineers or architects. My fees would not reflect the fact that I am now the reigning champion, though naturally I do not want to end up out of pocket.
SERIOUSLY, Rembrandt scholarship has been in a disastrous state for too long. The scholars will never willingly concede defeat. I have been criticizing from the side-lines for 43 years without effect. The public or the media will have to intervene to arrange this confrontation before I go the way of all flesh.(I am now 87)
I have wonderful news to give the world if I could get a word in edgeways. I am in the process of revising my 1978 book on Rembrandt which was accepted by Phaidon and then rejected after a heinous reader’s report from an anonymous Rembrandt expert. Is there a brave publisher out there?

My encounter with Prof. Ernst van der Wetering, heavy weight champion of the Rembrandt world, was over all to quickly. See my blog  TRIUMPH OF TRUTH. Though the discussion was all on his territory (the two Adoration paintings) he did not even seem to understand the difference between a cartoon reversal and a mirror image and therefore was unable to understand his crushing defeat. (A mirror reverses a different view of the same group one observes direct. It therefore proves the presence of a three dimensional group for Rembrandt and his students to observe; the student versions prove the same.)

If there is another heavy-weight out there who thinks he could do better than Van der Wetering I am very willing to have a return match in front of a primed  audience containing a fair smattering of people who can think three dimensionally, such as artists, engineers or architects. My fees would not reflect the fact that I am now the reigning champion, though naturally I do not want to end up out of pocket.

SERIOUSLY, Rembrandt scholarship has been in a disastrous state for too long. The scholars will never willingly concede defeat. I have been criticizing from the side-lines for 43 years without effect. The public or the media will have to intervene to arrange this confrontation before I go the way of all flesh. (I am now 87)

I have wonderful news to give the world if I could get a word in edgeways. I am in the process of revising my 1978 book on Rembrandt which was accepted by Phaidon and then rejected after a heinous reader’s report from an anonymous Rembrandt expert. Is there a brave publisher out there?

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